Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's Tuesday the 23rd, 2 days before Thanksgiving, I decided to go to the spot where it all went down. Plymouth Rock...supposedly.
Plymouth Rock is the traditional site of  of William Bradford and the Mayflower Pilgrams who founded Plymouth Colony in 1620. It is an important symbol in American history. There are no contemporary references to the Pilgrims' landing on a rock at Plymouth, and it is not referred to in Bradford's journal. The first written reference to the Pilgrims landing on a rock is found 121 years after they landed. The rock is currently located on the shore of Plymouth Harbor in Plymouth Massachusetts. When Col. Theophilus Cotton and the townspeople of Plymouth decided to move the rock in 1774, the rock was split into two halves, and it was decided to leave the bottom portion behind at the wharf and the top half was relocated to the town's meeting-house. The upper portion of the rock was relocated from Plymouth's meeting-house to Pilgrim Hall in 1834. In 1859 the Pilgrim Society began building a Victorian canopy, designed by Hammette Billings, at the wharf over the lower portion of the rock. Following its completion in 1867, the top of the rock was moved from Pilgrim Hall back to its original wharf location in 1880. The date "1620" was carved into the rock.
 I think I am going to stay here for the rest of the week... even though it is disputed that Plymouth Rock is not the original landing place of the pilgrims, I'm going to stay and bask in the history, eat some good Thanksgiving food, and do a little Black Friday shopping... because let's face it, that's what we've turned this holiday into right?
I would however like to say that this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for a few people... lady who procured and  named me, the little Jewish girl from DC, the one they call 'Hams,' the shoe shoppers, the preggo woman, blondie, the funny infantry guy,  and of course, how could I forget, my red headed lady. Maybe Steve Wagner too...
Ok, enough with the show of emotion... I'm on a hot pursuit to find circulars for Black Friday shopping. See you next week!
Happy Thanksgiving, Beta Fish out!

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