Monday, November 22, 2010

Goodness! Gracious! Great Wall of China!!

It took all weekend to swim here, but alas, I have landed... the Great Wall of China! The Great Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in northern China, built originally to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire against intrusions by various nomadic groups...the majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty.
The Great Wall stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east, to Lop Nur in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia. The most comprehensive archaeological survey, using advanced technologies, has recently concluded that the entire Great Wall, with all of its branches, stretches for 5,500.3 miles. This is made up of  3,889.5 miles sections of actual wall, 223.5 miles of trenches and  1,387.2 miles of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers. There is no escaping this bitch! It's huuuuge!

While some portions north of Beijing and near tourist centers have been preserved and even extensively renovated, in many locations the Wall is in disrepair. Those parts might serve as a village playground or a source of stones to rebuild houses and roads. Sections of the Wall are also prone to graffiti and vandalism.... Sounds likes they might need help from a certain Congressman's office... We can call it, 'Paint back the Wall,' not as catchy as 'Paint Back the Streets' but what can I say, I'm not super creative... I'm a beta fish.  

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